Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter dinner... kinda sorta?

This year for Easter, we decided to invite my in-laws for dinner and have a simple-yet delicious- dinner. My MIL had a turkey in the freezer she was willing to part with, but I am so over turkey and the weather is quite warm here in Florida so I politely declined and suggested we grill out! It was going to be a beautiful day for a bbq so I prepped this tasty marinade the night before so the pork loin cuts would be deliciously juicy off the grill.

Asian inspired pork marinade

Combine all in a large freezer bag and marinade pork flat in fridge overnight, flipping bag over once:

1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup raw honey
2tbsp olive oil
2tbsp thai sweet chili sauce
1tbsp ginger
1tbsp red curry powder (or any you have on hand)
1 clove garlic
3 green onions, minced
Sriracha sauce to taste
Splash of sesame oil (it is potent so a little goes a long way)

Cilantro would have been a tasty addition but I didn't have any on hand. Boo, me.

The next day, I prepped everything else for dinner and in the midst of it all, the youngest Brick came down with a wicked fever and all bets were off. Mr. Brick took half of the chops down to my MIL and we grilled ours later, sans in-laws, for dinner.  I meant to take an after photo, but sick babies trump all. We grilled them 3 minutes a side and then rested on low until internal was 145 on the meat thermometer.  Totally moist and full of flavor. This is one we will do again. Enjoy!

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